Spring Meditation

Sun Clouds


Spring Memories 

Spring and Summer…

spring against my back
the vibrations
of a hummingbird



scrolling my page
a little black bug
observes my words



spring afternoon
a greeting
from the yard cat



she says goodbye-
rose petals
in the dirt



house finch
the wind chimes
through the garden



too much wine-
dizzy from all the birdsong
this summer morning



bickering in flight..
a blur of emerald and ruby
around the feeder



his arms around me
the mountain ridges-
a light pink sunset



waning moon
the silence
of a sleepless night



never wanting
to change itself
desert rose



separate rooms-
a distance greater
then the moon



these days
the only happiness
at my bird feeder



shards of glass
how quickly I pull away
from his touch



my tears…
rose petals
against a pond



garden buddha
in its palms
fallen petals



spring morning my thoughts drifting bumblebee



worn out
faded patches
of sky
I sit hidden beneath
a blooming tree



tiny fountain
the stillness
of a fern



walking outside
a melody of wind chime
over and over
a deep longing to love
myself a little more

My Real Name

My real name is Blue Eyes and the light of the universe has shined through them from the very beginning.
My mother calls me Fear like when you are about to jump into the unknown.
My husband calls me New Beginnings; a new day with hot sweet coffee.
My daughter calls me Bright Smile, I take in the scent of her long blond hair.
The skies call me Colorful; purple and orange wildflowers covering the side of the hill.
The river calls me Gentle-the white calla lily growing on its banks.
The hawk calls me Brave, I hear in its cries over head.
My father calls me Sorrow, his little girl with curls crying, bruised, and afraid.
My past calls me Broken, however Chicago calls me Resilient and Strong.
San Francisco calls me Beautiful, I am healing and accepted.
God calls me Bright Light and the love of the universe shines through my soul.

Small Things

my tears…
rose petals
against a pond

garden Buddha
in its palms
fallen petals

spring morning
grey sparrows
in the tree tops

late spring my thoughts drift bumblebee

tiny fountain
the stillness
of a fern

the way the sun sets
across her back

koi pond
fills the sky

preschool graduation
a yellow monarch
flies ahead of us

oak tree shadow
once the song
of grey sparrow

lingering breeze
on her gravestone

Lonely Grey

This morning
A lonely shade
Of light grey

The open bay
Flows around
And towards me:
Silvery ripples

A single sea bird
Traces the sky
While a light breeze
Trails through
The long red leaves
Of the plant that I stare
Long and hard at.

I take short sips
Of the lukewarm coffee
That I’ve reheated
Three times now
And the canaries dance
In their cages
One the color of lemons
The other a desert sunset
They watch each other
And takes turns
Chirping and singing
Back and forth…

Last nights dream
Won’t leave my mind
Why after all these years
I still think so much of you?
All I wanted now was to be good friends
And have closure
From those mornings
I woke in your arms
As the summer sun
Poured over our bodies…

canary song
the morning sky
lonely and grey

A Book of Stars

she carried
a book of stars
on this morning
filled with snow egrets
in silence
unbroken glance
into lush wetlands
along the side
of an empty road
a giant oak
filled with the song
of lark sparrows
perched high
against a sky
filled with stars

Passing On

abandoned car-
I contemplate
what’s after death

desert sky
her eyes
full of pink

before therapy
bluebird and sparrow
one chasing the other

the slight bow of reeds
her day of passing

night wind
she spills secrets
from so long ago

death of a child
I watch a sea bird
take flight
(RIP Jayson♥)

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