


afternoon recess
they search for dandelions
on a mid spring day

high school formal
he suddenly realizes
the excitement of stars

away to college
they continue to write
of late summer nights

living abroad
the bittersweet taste
of tears and peaches

early summer breeze
the silkiness of her skin
and gently sea waves

blooming jasmine
the rhythms of their breaths
under a full moon sky

To The Moon

Spring and Summer…

spring against my back
the vibrations
of a hummingbird



scrolling my page
a little black bug
observes my words



spring afternoon
a greeting
from the yard cat



she says goodbye-
rose petals
in the dirt



house finch
the wind chimes
through the garden



too much wine-
dizzy from all the birdsong
this summer morning



bickering in flight..
a blur of emerald and ruby
around the feeder



his arms around me
the mountain ridges-
a light pink sunset



waning moon
the silence
of a sleepless night



never wanting
to change itself
desert rose



separate rooms-
a distance greater
then the moon



these days
the only happiness
at my bird feeder



shards of glass
how quickly I pull away
from his touch



my tears…
rose petals
against a pond



garden buddha
in its palms
fallen petals



spring morning my thoughts drifting bumblebee



worn out
faded patches
of sky
I sit hidden beneath
a blooming tree



tiny fountain
the stillness
of a fern



walking outside
a melody of wind chime
over and over
a deep longing to love
myself a little more

Morphine Moon

My twenty third birthday
I took the train to see you
In the light of your hospital room
I saw a skeleton of what was you
You glanced my way; eyes still a deep velvet blue
I gestured my kindness but quickly excused myself to cry…
Utterly and deeply
The regret of my absence
Because I was so mad
And the mess of my life back then…

Our last moment
You knew I needed to leave
From the palm of your thin fingers
A ten dollar bill to get me home

I refused, even when I had none
even knowing it was kindness; something you’ve always done
I wanted you to know I loved you more then that.

One last good-bye
One that I wish could of lasted forever
I headed back into the cold
Beside the empty train station
feeling blacker then a starless night.

The horrible train ride
Being antagonized by an awful man
the slap of his palm across my cheek
And being forced by the police to wait for the next train.

I was late for my birthday celebrations
My friends all upset with me.
All I wanted was to run to you
And have you take me in your arms
And tell me it was all going to be alright.

Instead I walked the the cold Chicago night alone
The street lamps a blur of bright halos
I wiped alway my tears
The click of my boots against the concrete
Filling the emptiness…



Restful Sleep

Tonight I took a sip
Of lavender and waning moon
I catch my reflection
In violets
Listening to distant vibrations
Of Earth
And give praise
To feeling alive
Even in the reflection of waning moon-

I kiss her goodnight
And dream
Of fields
In lavender.


late autumn rain
a final scent of summer
rushing through red leaves
a moment of lightness
reliving my broken dreams


rippling in the bay
her heavy heart


blood moon
I see myself
more clearly-
his grip on me
finally gone


early morning
my mind in a haze
of wildflowers


poppy petals dance
in afternoon breeze








Dreams and Silver Coins

all those dreams-
instead I count
falling stars


hawk feather
the weight of her words
trailing mountain peaks


shooting star
our conversation
takes a turn..


western sun the way it soothes me warm concrete


all my wishes
the sparkle
of silver coins


crescent moon
tracing the outline
of my broken dreams


scrambling for the last drop of crumbs lost lover


I spiral
into a dream

The Light I Stand In

How bright, The light I stand in-

It falls on my toes; a splash it goes
And sways on sails of red,
And white,
And green.
I reach towards it; sky slips through my palms
And dips down large pink vines.
I gaze up to dome of blue and ask day moon-
What am I to be?
A short time I sit; eyes fixed on a tiny gold bird.
A quick breeze and I am brought back to bright sails
Of sky, and vines; a splash on my toes

How bright, The light I stand in.

Dawn to Dusk

morning geese-
this horn section
breaking dawn

fallen petals
so alive
in moonlight


Universal Love

After a wonderful get away with my guy and returning to lots of fantastic time with family, I feel a happiness that fills and radiates through me: A love that feels so whole, so magnificent. I give such thanks to the universe for these moments.

summer night-
a crescent moon’s smile
wider then mine

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