Day Stars

Spring Meditation

Lost Hope

Lost hope

From California Bay Area: If anyone tells you climate change isn’t real smack the s**t out of them. This is heartbreaking and real. I can’t even go outside my house tonight because the air quality is worse then Beijing. All of the people who have lost their homes and members of their family to these wildfires the past couple of years. Not to mention the firefighters and enormous amounts of volunteers who have helped. Also the beautiful wildlife…

almost winter

the burning skies…

what to do

in these times

of lost hope

First Light

photo credit: Allison Fragakis

Sun Clouds






afternoon recess
they search for dandelions
on a mid spring day

high school formal
he suddenly realizes
the excitement of stars

away to college
they continue to write
of late summer nights

living abroad
the bittersweet taste
of tears and peaches

early summer breeze
the silkiness of her skin
and gently sea waves

blooming jasmine
the rhythms of their breaths
under a full moon sky


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