The Rain Is Jumping On The Water



“Mama the rain is jumping on the water!”

She looked at me with bright eyes.

Millions of drops filled the window


Walking outside, the fur on my dogs’ faces was completely pushed away

Revealing their skinny skulls and tiny black eyes.

The bay was swollen with whitecaps


“Mommy I want a hug! Put your homework down.”

She kicked my laptop.

She wrapped her little arms around me; her cheeks warm against mine.


The white truck in front of me drove at a snail’s pace down the one lane road

My heart raced.

Millions of drops filled the windshield


“I not a baby anymore, I’m a big girl!”

She rubbed my face with her hand

My eyes reddened; a smile.


3am; I stare into darkness and hints of moonlight

Heart racing

Millions of drops tap at the roof



5pm; my eyelids heavy

The windows showing only what’s inside-

Stillness and heavy heart


The squeak of her small feet against hardwood floor-

She nibbles apples and bananas in a purple princess nightgown

And pink hippo pants, now to her mid calf


“He’s a good boy, pet him Mama!”

Her blue eyes

Dance: the little flames of a small fire


“You all done?”

The dogs glance at me in question

Skinny skulls hidden in black and tan strands.

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